Subject: Uptime problems and Soundblaster
To: Greg L. Tanaka <>
From: Dirk Steinberg <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/07/1994 13:41:38
>>>>> "Greg" == Greg L Tanaka <> writes:
Greg> Hi, I was just wondering why the Sound Blaster dev has two
Greg> major numbers? It has major numbers at 20 and at 42. Why
Greg> is this so?
Greg> Also I seem to be having problems wit hthe w/uptime command.
Greg> When I type w, I get 0.00 NaN 0.00 as my uptime even though
Greg> my computer could be heavily loaded. I am really current as
Greg> of last week. I tried recompiling w and now I get this as
Greg> my uptime 0.00 0.00
Greg> -345984325094358029358094358320495832068573984754943750843855834095809438534959635345
Greg> pretty insane eh?
Greg> Does anyone have anye ideas?
Greg> -Greg Tanaka
I have the same problem. 'ps aux' drops core (current-940204 sources)
and w shows the above behaviour. Recompiling both programs static
(LDSTATIC=-static make) fixes the problem at the expense of some
This isn't a "real" solution, of course. Something seems to be wrong
with the recent change in shared library handling.
Dirk W. Steinberg - RWTH Aachen - Internet email:
Aachen University of Technology / IS2-Integrated Systems in Signal Processing
Rhein.Westf.Tech.Hochsch. Aachen / Integrierte Systeme der Signalverarbeitung
Templergraben 55 / D-52056 Aachen / phone:+49 241 807879 / fax:+49 241 807631
Home address: Kleikstr. 63, D-52134 Herzogenrath,Germany/phone: +49 2406 7225