Subject: trouble with inetd and rpc progs
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Wheadon <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/08/1995 15:23:26
I'm having trouble with inetd. I've copied the following
files from /usr/src/etc into /etc to make sure it's standard:
rpc, protocols, services, inetd.conf
When I try to rwall from a different machine to my NetBSD
machine it
a) takes ages for the 'rwall' command to exit on the
first time but works.
b) fails to work a second time and exits immediatly (without
mentioning an error on the machine I'm using the command
At the same time on the machine carrying portmap and inetd and rpc.rwalld
the following happens:
portmap reports
a) "server: about to do a switch" many times
b) "server: about to do a switch" once
and inetd reports
_) when initialising:
ADD : walld rpcprog=-1, rpcvers = 1/1, proto=rpc/udp, wait.max=1.40, builtin=0 server=/usr/libexec/rpc.rwalld
pmap_set: 100008 1 17 1976
"someone wants walld
1667 execl /usr/libexec/rpc.rwalld
1667 reaped
restored walld, fd 25" many many times
and then syslog says:
walld/rpc/udp server failing (looping), service terminated
b) inetd reports nothing.
I've recompiled and installed portmap inetd rpc.rwalld
I'm calling up portmap before inetd.
Any hints ?
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