Subject: Re: Updating /etc...
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Scott Reynolds <scottr@Plexus.COM>
List: current-users
Date: 12/21/1995 10:12:28
On Wed, 20 Dec 1995, Peter Seebach wrote:

> Fine.  Can you tell me, without looking, what $T is set to, and why?

"Don't care."

> Or whether httpd is started in netstart, rc, or rc.local?

None of the above.  In rc.local,

if [ -x $HOSTRC ]; then
	echo -n 'Starting Foo, Inc. daemons: '
else if [ -x $GENERICRC ]; then
	echo -n 'Starting Foo, Inc. daemons: '

It's really clear what machines start what, and since we use automounters 
(automount or amd), either (a) the files will exist and be run or (b) 
we've got a lot bigger problem than whether the httpd (or whatever) 
starts up.

In particular, since we have multiple servers that can fill the requests, 
(b) means that we have a serious network problem that won't let anybody 
get work done anyway.
