Subject: Re: Config uucp?
To: David Gilbert <>
From: Terry Moore <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/27/1995 02:53:50
> 	I'm looking at configuring uucp.  It appears that a recent
> version of Taylor is included (so that I'm not encouraged to import my
> own version), but I'm not positive how it is configured.
> 	The man pages point to /usr/lib/uucp for configuration, but
> I'm not entirely trusting of them yet --- mainly because the directory
> hasn't been been created by any of the many make installs that I have
> done.  It would help if someone could point out how uucp is config'd
> on NetBSD and maybe it could be made easier and more clear in the
> future.

I think that, like SunOS, NetBSD really is looking in /etc/uucp for its
uucp setup information.  After my install,  /etc came pre-filled with an 
empty uucp directory (sic).  That is where I've put everything myself,
and things work.  I believe that the config stuff (in /usr/src/gnu/...
libexec/uucp) compiles /etc/uucp into the executables.

Taylor uucp works pretty well, but there were a number of patches and
adjustments requried in the auxiliary and support scripts.  You really
need a place to start if you're not a uucp wizard.   I think
Simon G. posted a bunch of his uucp scripts sometime in the past.  I've
got stuff working here, and can post my scripts (which include all the
usual maintenance scripts); but I'm not as careful as Simon is, and
I reckon that his stuff, if available, will be more robust.  

One thing that is essential, if you want to use a dialin line for dialout
as well, is a solution to the uugetty problem.  Several people have posted
fixes.  I've got a getty -> uugetty patch file, but I've not brought it
forward to NetBSD 1.1 yet, and don't know how big the differences are.

--Terry	tel:  +1-607