Subject: Re: nmh and its MTA
To: None <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/15/1998 16:21:25
>>>>> "Matthias" == Matthias Scheler <> writes:
Matthias> In article <Pine.NEB.3.96.980115113534.231J-100000@bonzai>,
Matthias> Scott Reynolds <scottr@Plexus.COM> writes:
>> It's foolish to assume that any one transport will be appropriate for
>> everyone.
Matthias> Is it? I consider it foolish that the user actually cares for
Matthias> the transport. It's the admin's job to do that and she or he
Matthias> should do it in a way that it works for the users without
Matthias> problems.
Matthias> I vote for a MTA wrapper located under "/usr/sbin/sendmail"
Matthias> which calls whatever MTA is installed, the default should be
Matthias> NetBSD's included Sendmail 8.8.x located in
Matthias> "/usr/libexec/sendmail".
I concur. The only use I've ever had for the "SMTP" transport in MH was
that I didn't need to even configure sendmail to do relay mode on local
It would be nice to take MH's SMTP transport (or equivalent), and provide
it as /usr/libexec/smarthost or some such.
:!mcr!: | Sandelman Software Works Corporation, Ottawa, ON
Michael Richardson |Network and security consulting and contract programming
Personal: PGP key available.