Subject: Re: My cvs update just took 11:57 (12 hours!)
To: None <>
From: Christian Biere <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/06/2004 22:19:48
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Martin Weber wrote:
> > I don't understand why people want to use the main server at all.
> > The mirrors are usually much faster (that's even more true for ftp).
> ...and between one hour and many days behind the main server.

Ok but how often does this matter? If I notice there's a newer version
which fixes something I suffer from I can still fallback to the main
server. Fortunately, this hasn't been necessary in quite a while. I
don't know whether you've informed the maintainer of the mirror.
A latency of days can and often will be a problem. Maybe it's a problem
they can fix.


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