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etcupdate devices rebuild

Seeing this for the first time when opting in to rebuild devices with etcupdate:

pax: Unable to copy ././ipstate, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././ipauth, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././ipsync, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././ipscan, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././iplookup, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././pf, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././crypto, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././lkm, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././lockstat, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././clockctl, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././atabus0, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././atabus1, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././atabus2, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././atabus3, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././tap, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././tap0, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././tap1, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././tap2, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././tap3, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio0, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio1, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio2, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio3, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio4, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio5, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio6, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio7, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././gpio, file would overwrite itself
pax: Unable to copy ././bthub, file would overwrite itself
pax: line 2396: ./puffs: type mismatch: specfile link, tree char
*** Running /usr/sbin/postinstall

Is this expected?

Thanks for any info,


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