On Mon, 22 Sep 2008 17:11:08 -0400
Izaac <izaac%setec.org@localhost> wrote:
It is my sole point that because something can be done doesn't
necessarily mean it should be done. Keeping Xorg in the src tree
requires an enormous investment in maintenance. It has already been
tried once, with the result of atrophy and obsolescence for XFree86.
Now, the old arguments have vanished and we even have a framework for
handling third party software. Why repeat history?
For fun, I built all of modular xorg:
on a 4.0 system with no packages installed -- I wanted some idea of the
effort involved. The total: 207 packages. More importantly, a number
of them are not part of xorg per se, most notably perl. If memory
serves, the standard perl build environment doesn't permit
I've attached the list of packages...
--Steve Bellovin, http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb