On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 12:25:20 +0200
Alan Barrett <apb%cequrux.com@localhost> wrote:
># objdir /usr/obj/usr/NetBSD/cvs/src/compat/amd64/i386
>obj ===> compat/amd64/i386
>obj ===> compat/amd64/i386/../../../lib
>*** Failed target: obj-../../../lib
This looks as though your src/share/mk is not up to date. Or
perhaps you tried to build by just running "make" with whatever
/usr/share/mk you happened to have installed on the host system
instead of using build.sh or ${TOOLDIR}/bin/nbmake-${MACHINE}.
Nope. I do a CVS update on my tree daily and I clean out my WRKOBJDIR
and DESTDIR (which is $WRKOBJDIR/destdir), run "./build.sh tools" and
then "./build.sh build". The tools build OK as does a kernel but not
the userland build.