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Re: What to do about "WARNING: negative runtime; monotonic clock has gone backwards"

> Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:05:23 +1000
> from: matthew green <>
> one problem i've seen in kern_tc.c when the timecounter returns
> a smaller value is that tc_delta() ends up returning a very large
> (underflowed) value, and that makes the consumers of it do a very
> wrong thing.  eg, -2 becomes 2^32-2, and then eg in binuptime:
> 477                 bintime_addx(bt, th->th_scale * tc_delta(th));
> or in tc_windup():
> 933         delta = tc_delta(th);
> 938         th->th_offset_count += delta;
> 939         bintime_addx(&th->th_offset, th->th_scale * delta);
> i "fixed" the time goes backwards on sparc issue a few years ago
> with this change, which avoids the above issue:
> but i really think that the way tc_delta() can underflow is a
> bad problem we should fix properly, i just wasn't sure of the
> right way to do it.

I don't understand, what do you mean by underflow here?

Part of the API contract of a k-bit timecounter(9) is that the
underlying clock must not have a frequency higher than f * 2^k / 2,
where f is the frequency of tc_windup calls.[*]

For example, if f = 100 Hz (i.e., hz=100), and k = 32 (as we use),
then the maximum timecounter frequency is 100 Hz * 2^32 / 2 ~= 214
GHz.  Even if f = 10 Hz, this is 21.4 GHz.

Under this premise, in the duration between two tc_windup calls,
consecutive calls to get_timecount() mod 2^k can't differ by more than
2^k / 2.  And each call to tc_windup resets th->th_offset_count :=

So no matter how many times you call tc_delta(th) within that time,
(get_timecount() - th->th_offset_count) mod 2^k can't wrap around,
i.e., a sequence of calls must yield a nondecreasing sequence of k-bit

I don't know what the sparc timecounter frequency is, but the Xen
system timecounter returns units of nanoseconds, i.e., runs at 1 GHz,
well within these bounds.  So this kind of wraparound leading to
apparently negative runtime -- that is, l->l_stime going backwards --
should not be possible as long as we are calling tc_windup() at a
frequency of at least 1 GHz / (2^k / 2) = 0.47 Hz.

That said, at a 32-bit timecounter frequency of 1 GHz, if there is a
period of about 2^32 / 1 GHz ~= 4.3sec during which we miss all
consecutive hardclock ticks, that would violate the timecounter(9)
assumptions, and tc_delta(th) may go backwards if that happens.

So I think we need to find out why we're missing Xen hardclock timer
interrupts.  Should also make the dtrace probe show exactly how many
hardclock ticks in a batch happened, and should raise an alarm (with
or without dtrace) if it exceeds a threshold.

[*] Actually the limit is closer to f * 2^k, not f * 2^k / 2, but
    there probably has to be a little slop for the computational
    overhead of tc_windup to ensure the timehands are updated before
    tc_delta would wrap around; a factor of two gives a comfortable
    margin of error here.

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