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Static IPv6, dhcpcd, and defaultroute6 issue

I want to configure a static IPv6 along with a DHCP IPv4 on my Rock64
running NetBSD10_beta. However, I'm not able to get the default route for
IPv6 set on boot.

Here are my interface specific dhcpcd.conf entries:
interface awge0
static ip6_address=2001:x:x:x/64

Entries in rc.conf:

After reboot no default is listed under Internet6 output for route show.
Explicitly doing route add -inet6 default fe80::x:x:x%awge0 fixes this,
and my static IPv6 works perfectly.

What makes me dig deeper is I can instead do a service network restart,
and the defaultroute6 in rc.conf is applied correctly.

Is there a potential race condition in the network rc script with dhcpcd?

Thanks -- joel

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