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Re: Issues with X in NetBSD-current

On Fri, Jul 07, 2023 at 04:37:12PM +0930, Brett Lymn wrote:
> I updated to -current a couple of weeks ago and I am now having issues with
> the builtin X.

I dove into trying to work out what was wrong head first.  I dug around and found an intel
document that listed workarounds for the GPU family.  It amounted to 63 pages of issues in
amongst them were a lot that would result in a GPU hang.  After combing through them all I
found one work around that was not applied so I had my hopes up but, alas, no effect.

After much digging and some sprinkling of printf's I found what may seem like a bleeding
obvious issue.  My hardware is too old.  The drmkms driver guts has a check for the
generation of hardware and applies no work arounds for any hardware less than gen 8.  The
drmkms driver still attaches and does not print any warning but with no work arounds applied
I am assuming we hit a hardware bug that triggers a hang.

I have tried rebuilding a kernel without drmkms and adding the legacy i915 drm driver but
that fails to attach.  Does anyone have any clues about getting legacy drm working with

Brett Lymn
Sent from my NetBSD device.

"We are were wolves",
"You mean werewolves?",
"No we were wolves, now we are something else entirely",

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