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RE: do we need to rename?

> > I wouldn't rename; not because of pride, but because, given
> > the background, I don't see it as a positive thing to do.
> > I see it as a retreat without any valid justification.
> > Retreats must have valid justifications.
> Speaking of `retreats' suggests pretty strongly that it *is*
> a matter of pride.

I would guess that you posted this comment inadvertently before you could
hit the Cancel button, because this is simply not so.

If one has a strong case, then choosing to retreat because one fears the
bully is unethical, because it unnecessarily advances the bully's unfair
cause. If one has a weak case, then choosing to retreat is wise, and
deciding not to retreat regardless is a symptom of not being able to control
one's pride.

I believe we have a strong case, therefore pride is not an issue. Rather, I
believe it would be unethical for us to retreat in fear of SSH
Communications Security; because by doing so, we would be passively
promoting an unsound business practice, thereby increasing the possibility
of this behavior occuring again in the future.

I think it is in our interest (i.e., the interest of the ssh-working-group
minus participants employed by ssh-the-company) to prevent or, failing that,
at least discourage this behavior in the future.



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