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Re: draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-00.txt & SFTP name

It would tend to follow that if you chose to name things based on what
they do, that name collisions would be unavoidable.

On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, Darren Moffat wrote:

> It has been brought to my attention today that there is already an
> RFC from IETF that describes a protocol that goes by the short name
> of SFTP (
> While draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-00.txt does not refer to the name of
> the protocol as sftp it does use the subsystem name sftp which seems
> to me like a bad thing since it could cause confusion with RFC 913.
> This coupled with the fact that implementors will tend to choose sftp
> as the command name because it is the name of the subsystem sets us
> down a precendent that isn't good as far as names are concerned.
> Add to the equation that the protocol described in the filexfer draft
> is not actually like FTP I think the a more appropriate name for the

sftp (rfc 913) is a lot like ftp except (simpler) although definently
not interoperable, suggesting that jon postel and mark lottor weren't
immune to name related confusion issues.

> subsystem (and consequently the command names implementors are likely
> to choose) would be appropriate.
> --
> Darren J Moffat

Joel Jaeggli	
Academic User Services
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