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Re: The algorithm name "" (Niels Möller) writes:

> I've had some reports on interoperation problems with the latest lsh
> client and a server presenting itself as "SSH-1.99-2.0.13
> (non-commercial)". The server sends a USERAUTH_FAILURE message 
> DEBUG: Received USERAUTH_FAILURE (size 25 = 0x19)
> 00000000: 33000000137075626c69636b65792c70  3....publickey,p
> 00000010: 617373776f72642c00                assword,.
> Looking at the packet, the "authentications that can continue" string
> is "publickey,password,". Note the trailing comma. lsh parses this as
> a list with three elements "publickey", "password", "". And it
> considers empty algorithm names as a protocol error and disconnects.

I'd say this is a bug in 2.0.13.

> Am I being overly pedantic, or should empty algorithm names be treated
> as errors?

Probably should.

> Another question is how to interpret the list "" (which makes sense
> for instance in the languages_client_to_server list). Is that an empty
> list, or a list containing a single empty string?Ruling out empty
> strings resolves that ambiguity, making sure that "" can only be
> interpreted as an empty list.

I see it as an empty list in this context.

> I'd like to edit the architecture draft as follows,
> Current text:
>   In this protocol, all algorithm identifiers MUST be printable US-ASCII
>   strings no longer than 64 characters.  Names MUST be case-sensitive.
> Proposal: Replace the last paragraph with
>   In this protocol, all algorithm identifiers MUST be printable
>   US-ASCII non-empty strings no longer than 64 characters. Names MUST
>   be case-sensitive.
> It may also be a good idea to specify the format for comma-separated
> lists once, in the architecture document. Proposal, to be added to
> section 4, "Data Type Representations Used in the SSH Protocols" in
> the architecture document:

Both suggestions seem fine to me.

[          --  Sami J. Lehtinen  -- ]
[work:+358 20 5007425][gsm:+358 40 864 3001][]
[SSH Communications Security Corp     ]

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