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availability of specifications


this SSH2 gig looks a bit like a private party.

Why has the transport draft not been updated on the IETF website? Rather,
one has to dig through the mailing list archives to retrieve the latest
version. Is it impossible to have the folks at IETF make an exception and
accept a belated update?

Why has the whitespace formatting of the various drafts changed between
versions, making diff tools useless? To make the documents prettier, or to
confuse outsiders? I can accept that everyone has the best of intentions,
but the side effect of such decisions is confusion. Is that what a standards
body is supposed to be for?

Worst of all, why has the SFTP specification become unavailable? I try to
download, and I
get "Unrevised documents placed in the Internet-Drafts directories have a
maximum life of six months. After that time, they are deleted." There are
working SFTP implementations out there. It's supposed to be an open
standard. How can the specification just disappear? The message such
carelessness conveys is: "If you weren't with us when the SFTP specification
was still available, don't bother. We don't care for newbies." Is that what
everyone here is trying to say?

I think that, at minimum, someone should put the SFTP specification back



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