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Re: A future for the SSH File Transfer Protocol?

> While I was at it, I also added name<->number mappings for users and
> groups, on the grounds that it seems silly that a command-line
> client can list the textual usernames of file owners by printing out
> the long name field, but a GUI client wanting to split all the
> details into separate columns has to make do with the numbers.

I'm definitely interested in this.  Can you repost your

I would actually like to eliminate the long listing
format (on a per file basis, I think it adds several
hundred percent overhead... on a directory with several
hundred files in it, over a slow link, this is a not
insignificant overhead.)

But to do so, we need to provide a way for the client
to map uid/gid to names.

I'd also like to do something a bit more flexible for
uid/gids -- WinNT, which the platform I'm working on,
doesn't use simple ints for user identifiers.

I'd be tempted to suggest that UIDs be defined as

    string identifier

which would be an opaque data structure to the client.

- Joseph

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