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Re: A future for the SSH File Transfer Protocol?

On Sunday, November 11, 2001, at 08:07 , Damien Miller wrote:

- Inability to do basic filesystem operations (e.g. rename)
- Inability to access parts of files, or continue aborted transfers

Those are issues, especially the second. But that's not rcp anymore.

You really want to have a protocol which forces clients to include code
to protect from a hostile server?

I think, by definition, cryptographic implementations must. And we've certainly seen a bunch of mistakes (ssh1, for example). I think that's a lot harder than making sure returned file names match the glob.

But, sure, if we didn't have to do that, that'd be great. I just wanted to point out that is not a fatal flaw.

If we are going to change a 10+ y/o protocol, why not just write a new one without the (many) inherent flaws. Even better, why not just tweak the one
that has _already been written and implemented_.

No problem with either of those.

Why are we discussing requirements on somethings that is already
specified and widely deployed?

Because we're talking about extending it? I'd think would be a good idea to specify what is being accomplished by the protocol before extending it.

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