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Re: SSH agent forwarding

Since there was no documentation about a protocol v2 agent
protocol, OpenSSH uses a quick hack and private extensions to the
protocol used by the ssh-1.2.x implementations. The protocol v1
agent protocol works as documented below.

#define SSH2_AGENT_IDENTITIES_ANSWER            12
#define SSH2_AGENTC_SIGN_REQUEST                13
#define SSH2_AGENT_SIGN_RESPONSE                14
#define SSH2_AGENTC_ADD_IDENTITY                17
#define SSH2_AGENTC_REMOVE_IDENTITY             18
#define SSH_AGENTC_ADD_SMARTCARD_KEY            20


	uint32		n
	string		publickey1
	string		comment1
	string		publickeyn
	string		commentn

	string		pubkey
	string		data
	uint32		flags

	string		signature_blob

	string		type	(ssh-rsa or ssh-dss)
	payload depends on keytype,	[XXX should be wrapped in a string]
	for ssh-rsa
		mpint	n
		mpint	e
		mpint	d
		mpint	iqmp
		mpint	p
		mpint	q
	for ssh-dss
		mpint	p
		mpint	q
		mpint	g
		mpint	pub_key
		mpint	priv_key
	string		comment

	string		publickey1


	string		cardid

	string		cardid

a public key:
	string		pubkey
is always encoded as:
     string    "ssh-rsa"
     mpint     e
     mpint     n
     string    "ssh-dss"
     mpint     p
     mpint     q
     mpint     g
     mpint     y
so the complete public key info is wrapped in a string.



Internet-Draft  SSH (Secure Shell) Remote Login Protocol 15 November 1995

The Authentication Agent Protocol

The authentication agent is a program that can be used to hold RSA
authentication keys for the user (in future, it might hold data for
other authentication types as well).  An authorized program can send
requests to the agent to generate a proper response to an RSA challenge.
How the connection is made to the agent (or its representative) inside a
host and how access control is done inside a host is implementation-
dependent; however, how it is forwarded and how one interacts with it is
specified in this protocol.  The connection to the agent is normally
automatically forwarded over the secure channel.

A program that wishes to use the agent first opens a connection to its
local representative (typically, the agent itself or an SSH server).  It
then writes a request to the connection, and waits for response.  It is
recommended that at least five minutes of timeout are provided waiting
for the agent to respond to an authentication challenge (this gives suf­
ficient time for the user to cut-and-paste the challenge to a separate
machine, perform the computation there, and cut-and-paste the result
back if so desired).

Messages sent to and by the agent are in the following format:

4 bytes     Length, msb first.  Does not include length itself.
1 byte      Packet type.  The value 255 is reserved for future extensions.
data        Any data, depending on packet type.  Encoding as in the ssh packet

The following message types are currently defined:


     (no arguments)

     Requests the agent to send a list of all RSA keys for which it can
     answer a challenge.


     32-bit int       howmany
     howmany times:
     32-bit int       bits
     mp-int           public exponent
     mp-int           public modulus
     string           comment

     The agent sends this message in response to the to
     SSH_AGENTC_REQUEST_RSA_IDENTITIES.  The answer lists all RSA keys
     for which the agent can answer a challenge.  The comment field is
     intended to help identify each key; it may be printed by an appli­
     cation to indicate which key is being used.  If the agent is not
     holding any keys, howmany will be zero.


     32-bit int   bits
     mp-int       public exponent
     mp-int       public modulus
     mp-int       challenge
     16 bytes     session_id
     32-bit int   response_type

     Requests RSA decryption of random challenge to authenticate the
     other side.  The challenge will be decrypted with the RSA private
     key corresponding to the given public key.

     The decrypted challenge must contain a zero in the highest (par­
     tial) byte, 2 in the next byte, followed by non-zero random bytes,
     a zero byte, and then the real challenge value in the lowermost
     bytes.  The real challenge must be 32 8-bit bytes (256 bits).

     Response_type indicates the format of the response to be returned.
     Currently the only supported value is 1, which means to compute MD5
     of the real challenge plus session id, and return the resulting 16
     bytes in a SSH_AGENT_RSA_RESPONSE message.


     16 bytes   MD5 of decrypted challenge

     Answers an RSA authentication challenge.  The response is 16 bytes:
     the MD5 checksum of the 32-byte challenge.


     (no arguments)

     This message is sent whenever the agent fails to answer a request
     properly.  For example, if the agent cannot answer a challenge
     (e.g., no longer has the proper key), it can respond with this.
     The agent also responds with this message if it receives a message
     it does not recognize.


     (no arguments)

     This message is sent by the agent as a response to certain requests
     that do not otherwise cause a message be sent.  Currently, this is
     only sent in response to SSH_AGENTC_ADD_RSA_IDENTITY and


     32-bit int   bits
     mp-int       public modulus
     mp-int       public exponent
     mp-int       private exponent
     mp-int       multiplicative inverse of p mod q
     mp-int       p
     mp-int       q
     string       comment

     Registers an RSA key with the agent.  After this request, the agent
     can use this RSA key to answer requests.  The agent responds with


     32-bit int   bits
     mp-int       public exponent
     mp-int       public modulus

     Removes an RSA key from the agent.  The agent will no longer accept
     challenges for this key and will not list it as a supported iden­
     tity.  The agent responds with SSH_AGENT_SUCCESS or SSH_AGENT_FAIL­

If the agent receives a message that it does not understand, it responds
with SSH_AGENT_FAILURE.  This permits compatible future extensions.

It is possible that several clients have a connection open to the
authentication agent simultaneously.  Each client will use a separate
connection (thus, any SSH connection can have multiple agent connections
active simultaneously).

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