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Re: [PATCH] Using TCP_NODELAY unconditionally

[wg chair hat off]

> It's not clear yet that forwarding X11 traffic with SSHv2 and Nagle
> turned on is a problem. 

In my experience, it is; most ssh implementations turn off nagle on
"interactive" connections.

> But this issue may yet come up again. So it's probably worth
> addressing, even if just to state that Nagle is to remain on at all
> times...

Applications which attempt to track mouse movement (e.g., scroll bar
sliders) don't work very well with nagle turned on.  my understanding
is that "animated" widgest typically require 24-30 updates per second
before it begins to look smooth, while the interaction between delayed
acks and nagle cause very bursty behavior.

					- Bill

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