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Re: [PATCH] Using TCP_NODELAY unconditionally

> I'm not familiar with this issue, and I'm mostly ignorant about what
> tcp does below the sockets interface. Can anybody briefly explain what
> "nagle" is, and how and when to turn it off? Or point me to the
> appropriate manual.
In broad terms, whenever an application does a send() call, the logic
of the Nagle algorithm is supposed to go something like this:
1) Is the quantity of data in this send, plus any queued, unsent data,
greater than the MSS (Maximum Segment Size) for this connection? If
yes, send the data in the user's send now (modulo any other
constraints such as receiver's advertised window and the TCP
congestion window). If no, go to 2.
2) Is the connection to the remote otherwise idle? That is, is there
no unACKed data outstanding on the network. If yes, send the data in
the user's send now. If no, queue the data and wait. Either the
application will continue to call send() with enough data to get to a
full MSS-worth of data, or the remote will ACK all the currently sent, 
unACKed data, or our retransmission timer will expire.
Now, where applications run into trouble is when they have what might
be described as "write, write, read" behaviour, where they present
logically associated data to the transport in separate 'send' calls
and those sends are typically less than the MSS for the connection.
It isn't so much that they run afould of Nagle as they run into issues
with the interaction of Nagle and the other heuristics operating on
the remote. In particular, the delayed ACK heuristics.
When a receiving TCP is deciding whether or not to send an ACK back to
the sender, in broad handwaving terms it goes through logic similar to
a) is there data being sent back to the sender? if yes, piggy-back the 
ACK on the data segment.
b) is there a window update being sent back to the sender? if yes,
piggy-back the ACK on the window update.
c) has the standalone ACK timer expired.
Window updates are generally triggered by the follwoing heuristics:
i) would the window update be for a non-trivial fraction of the window
- typically somewhere at or above 1/4 the window, that is, has the
application "consumed" at least that much data? if yes, send a
window update. if no, check ii.
ii) would the window update be for, the application "consumed," at
least 2*MSS worth of data? if yes, send a window update, if no wait.
Now, going back to that write, write, read application, on the sending 
side, the first write will be transmitted by TCP via logic rule 2 -
the connection is otherwise idle. However, the second small send will
be delayed as there is at that point unACKnowledged data outstanding
on the connection.
At the receiver, that small TCP segment will arrive and will be passed
to the application. The application does not have the entire app-level
message, so it will not send a reply (data to TCP) back. The typical
TCP window is much much larger than the MSS, so no window update would
be triggered by heuristic i. The data just arrived is < 2*MSS, so no
window update from heuristig ii. Since there is no window update, no
ACK is sent by heuristic b.
So, that leaves heuristic c - the standalone ACK timer. That ranges
anywhere between 50 and 200 milliseconds depending on the TCP stack in 

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