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Re: Specifying file names in SSH File Transfer Protocol

>Does NFSv3 or WebNFS address the file permissions problem in
>a better fashion than SFTP or FTP?

NFSv4 does.

NFSv3 is basically a remove UNIX filesystem - Sun has an sideband
protocol for dealing with ACLs on Solaris.

WebNFS is a set of extensions to NFSv3 to make it easier to use
through firewalls and to help performance over WANs.

I have continued concern that we don't need to reinvent the wheel here.
What is the goal of the file transfer protocol ?  Is it supposed to be
equivalent to what people do with FTP but over a secure link ?  Or is
it supposed to be a remote filesystem running over the SSH protocol ?

Unless we know the answer too this we will never know if we are adding
the correct features and we will never know when we have met the requirements.

I really think we need to stop and thing about the problem we are trying
to solve and if a solution is needed at all, is this the correct group
to be solving it - especially given that the current sftp protocol
doesn't really depend on anything from SSH (it can run over other transports).

However having said that we have an already deployed system so I don't
think the answer can easily be "do nothing", but we do need to know the
problem space.

Darren J Moffat

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