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Re: Core draft last call update.

On Sun, Mar 10, 2002 at 09:38:49PM -0800, Wei Dai wrote:

> Given that the problem was found in time, and that the fix is simple (I've
> already provided the suggested language), why not just agree to fix it
> now?

What about the attack described in Appendix C of
<URL:>, which appears to be
applicable to the SSH binary packet protocol as specified in
draft-ietf-secsh-transport-13.txt (no matter if CBC or OFB or
counter mode is used)?

Bodo Möller <>
* TU Darmstadt, Theoretische Informatik, Alexanderstr. 10, D-64283 Darmstadt
* Tel. +49-6151-16-6628, Fax +49-6151-16-6036

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