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Re: Even more ways to fix the cbc-mode attack

Modern Kerberos crypto uses confounders instead of IVs.


On Wed, Mar 20, 2002 at 01:31:56PM -0500, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
> Since TLS has the same CBC attack problem, I attended that WG...
> Eric Rescorla mentioned a few ideas which had been kicked around on
> TLS for fixing the problem.
> In addition to the ones that have been mentioned already either on the
> list or in Monday's meeting, there are:
> 	- stream-like modes (CTR, OFB)
> 	- explicit IV
> Eric also mentioned two other ideas which allow the continued use of
> CBC mode:
>  - use an implicit pseudorandom IV (i.e., both sides run counter mode
> or what have you with a different key just to generate the IV)
>  - move the MAC to the start of the packet and (somehow) use that as
> the IV.
> There didn't seem to be consensus in that group on the right answer,
> either...
> 						- Bill

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