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Re: closing a channel

On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 09:12:34AM -0800, Wei Dai wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2002 at 08:58:13AM +0100, Niels Möller wrote:
> > > 1. CHANNEL_EOF has been sent by this side (i.e. this side has no more data
> > > or requests to send)
> > > 2. CHANNEL_EOF has been received from the other side, or this side cannot
> > > process any more incoming channel data or requests.
> > 
> > Consider the
> > 
> >   ssh host cat foo
> > 
> > case. I'm afraid your simple rules are not sufficient (and I have
> > actually implemented them).
> Maybe you didn't notice that condition 2 has two parts. If the child
> process (cat in this case) terminates, then this side cannot process any
> more incoming channel data or requests, so condition 2 is satisfied.

i don't think so. incoming requests are handled by sshd, so they
could still be satisfied, e.g.  a possible request asking: "what's
the exit status of 'cat'"

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