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Re: solving the SFTP text mode issue

On Fri, May 10, 2002 at 10:04:31PM +0200, denis bider wrote:
> > Then SFTP does not define a file Transfer protocol,
> > it defines a file Access protocol.
> YES! That is entirely correct.
> The commonly used term 'SFTP' is a horrible misnomer. I think we should
> document that somewhere, and perhaps also provide a less misleading official
> name. (Not 'filexfer'.)

Considering that this is already a solved problem by one protocol
out there, why don't we just define another subsystem (we might as
well have _two_, oh boy) for Kermit and be done with it?

David Terrell          | Just another satan-worshipping Harry Potter reader.           | 
Nebcorp Prime Minister | | 

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