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RE: solving the SFTP text mode issue

> > That is true, but I see no nice way to implement this in SFTP,
> > because it clashes with SFTP's assumption that all files are
> > binary. It is incompatible with SFTP's random-access concept.
> Perhaps this means that the fundamental concept was flawed...?

I don't think SFTP's fundamental concept is flawed. On the contrary, I find
it very appealing. It makes possible things that aren't at all possible with
protocols that can only transfer a whole file at a time.

The disadvantage of SFTP's design is that it assumes files to be binary, and
this makes the protocol less suitable for files that are not.

> Ah, the chauvinism shows through. [...] "I don't need to
> support"? Hmmm...why is constant support required, once
> the standard is established and the basic coding complete?

I don't see why you need to be so bitter. It's not like I'm forcing anything
down your throat. I'm just expressing my point of view, and that point of
view isn't solid, but is updated by each new argument that you contribute.

> But platform bias aside, the implementation of an adequate
> mechanism seems to be only moderately difficult.  Why not
> take a chance and make a standard a REAL standard, not just
> one that applies to selective platforms?

Sure, why not? But people like you must take initiative and/or provide
feedback, otherwise the problem won't be solved.

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