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Re: minutes/wg status

On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 01:45:28AM -0400, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
> The meeting concluded with a reminder to the WG of a few extenstions
> for which interest has appeared on the list but no draft has surfaced.
> We are getting very close to "done" with the current set of drafts,
> and thus going inactive until we're ready for draft standard status..
> Here's the list:
> - X.509/PKIX support		(Steve Hanna seems to have volunteered)
> (RL "Bob" Morgan (U Washington) pointed out that there's a reference
> to a x509v3-sign-{rsa,dsa} key/cert formats in the transport draft
> without any definition of what exactly it is).

A variant here:  Keys in DNS when a new mechanism is deployed in
DNS for non-DNSSEC keys ('KEY' subtypes other than DNSSEC are
deprecated, various alternate mechanisms are being debated....).
It was discussed and I believe a draft and/or implementation (mod
to openssh) were produced.

David Terrell          | "Let it be known that i think of Ashcroft as a           | power-hungry Conserv-a-monkey who wouldn't know the 
Nebcorp Prime Minister | Constitution if he tore it up and used it for | toilet paper."  - Sean Willis

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