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Re: New draft-draft of sftp...

Jeffrey Altman <> wrote:

> I am going to have to think about this concern for a bit.  However, my
> initial reaction is that if the host has been hacked so that daemon
> services are replaced then I think you are in bigger trouble.  At that
> point you can't count on the contents of any of the files you may
> receive from that server.  Depending on what they are you will be hosed.

That's a fair point in many circumstances, of course; yes.

Not every circumstance, though; suppose I was intending to download
a bunch of archive files and then check their GPG signatures? In
that situation I'm already protected against a malicious server
changing the content of the files, so being unprotected against the
same malicious server doing other damage to me is a step downward.

Simon Tatham         "A cynic is a person who smells flowers and
<>    immediately looks around for a coffin."

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