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Re: Language negotiation clarification requested

begin quotation by Nicolas Williams on 2002/12/3 14:18 -0800:
Additionally, the SSHv2 drafts should reference RFC3066, not RFC1766
(the former obsoletes the latter).

begin quotation by Bill Sommerfeld on 2002/12/3 17:57 -0500:

the core drafts are currently "frozen" except for process nits.

i'm taking this as yet another "defer until we come back to draft
standard" issue.

A normative reference to an obsolete RFC is a process nit. If the ADs notice, they will tell you to update the reference before publication (although fixing it in RFC editor 48-hour last call is probably fine).

The other points are valid, but I concur with the decision to defer them.

               - Chris

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