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Re: IESG feedback on core drafts.

> >So, I'm wondering if it might make more sense to have a single set of
> >security considerations in the -arch draft, with pointers from the
> >other three documents.  Like most things security related, they cut
> >across functional areas, and I really don't want to waste time
> >trying to get all the hairs perfectly split.
> Always a reasonable option.  Will such a document appear in finite 
> time?  The IESG is not fond of approving documents that say "see the 
> following non-existent RFC for security considerations" -- but has 
> often approved documents that point to existing documents for that 
> information.

The -arch draft, draft-ietf-secsh-architecture-13.txt,
is currently part of the core drafts hairball before the IESG at this

					- Bill

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