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WG chair nits on draft-ietf-secsh-auth-kbdinteract-04.txt

Okay, it's been impressed on me by the powers that be that wg chairs
should do more thorough drafts review.  

This is the first of a series.

						- Bill

1) normative/informative reference split.

	look like [PAM] is informative; everything else is normative.

	[rfc-2279] is not explicitly referenced anywhere by reference
	id, but is normative (for encoding of various forms here and

2) security considerations.

	i can't find one.  this is a bad thing.  let's add this to the
	"needs security considerations rewrite" pile.

	once again, see draft-iab-sec-cons-03.txt for guidelines on
	writing one.

3) iana considerations.

	"protocol constants" should turn into "iana considerations".

	also an explicit allocation of the userauth type
	"keyboard-interactive" needs to be listed.

	there may be other constants in the document which should be
	listed here but I can't find them.

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