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Re: Pulling it all together - New Section 11 on Security Considerations

I like it.  But I've one nit about the MITM section: it speaks of two
MITM possibilities, describes a "first" case and *two* "second" cases!



On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 12:36:49PM -0700, Chris Lonvick wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Below is the latest version of the Security Considerations section.  This
> reflects all of the discussions on the lists on the various parts of this
> over the past few weeks.  I appreciate all of the feedback and help.
> I've also put together an html document of the changes from the previous
> version; red strike outs for deletions and green text for insertions.
> I'll put it on a web server and send around a pointer rsn.  [The server
> isn't doing so well today but I think it will be fixed in the next day
> or so.]  If you'd like to see that sooner rather than later, please email
> me directly and I'll send it to you.
> If you would like to suggest any changes, please call out the relevent
> section in the Subject line of your email.  Also, please remove the
> non-related sections from your reply as this thing is getting a bit long.
> Thanks,
> Chris
> ==========================================================================
> 11. Security Considerations
>    In order to make the entire body of Security Considerations more
>    accessible, Security Considerations for the transport, authentication,
>    and connection documents have been gathered here.
>    The transport protocol [SSH-TRANS] provides a confidential channel
>    over an insecure network.  It performs server host authentication, key
>    exchange, encryption, and integrity protection.  It also derives a
>    unique session id that may be used by higher-level protocols.
>    The authentication protocol [SSH-USERAUTH] provides a suite of
>    mechanisms which can be used to authenticatethe client user to the
>    server.  Individual mechanisms specified in the in authentication
>    protocol use the session id provided by the transport protocol and/or
>    depend on the security and integrity guarantees of the transport
>    protocol.
>    The connection protocol [SSH-CONNECT] specifies a mechanism to
>    multiplex multiple streams (channels) of data over the confidential
>    and authenticated transport. It also specifies channels for accessing
>    an interactive shell, for 'proxy-forwarding' various external
>    protocols over the secure transport (including arbitrary TCP/IP
>    protocols), and for accessing secure 'subsystems' on the server host.
> 11.1 PRNG
>    This protocol binds each session key to the session by including
>    random, session specific data in the hash used to produce session
>    keys.  Special care should be taken to ensure that all of the random
>    numbers are of good quality.  If the random data here (e.g., DH
>    parameters) are pseudo-random then the pseudo-random number generator
>    should be cryptographically secure (i.e., its next output not easily
>    guessed even when knowing all previous outputs) and, furthermore,
>    proper entropy needs to be added to the pseudo-random number
>    generator.  RFC 1750 [RFC1750] offers suggestions for sources of
>    random numbers and entropy.  Implementors should note the importance
>    of entropy and the well-meant, anecdotal warning about the difficulty
>    in properly implementing pseudo-random number generating functions.
>    The amount of entropy available to a given client or server may
>    sometimes be less than what is required.  In this case one must either
>    resort to pseudo-random number generation regardless of insufficient
>    entropy or refuse to run the protocol.  The latter is preferable.
> 11.2 Transport
> 11.2.1 Confidentiality
>    It is beyond the scope of this document and the Secure Shell Working
>    Group to analyze or recommend specific ciphers other than the ones
>    which have been established and accepted within the industry.  At the
>    time of this writing, ciphers commonly in use include 3DES, ARCFOUR,
>    twofish, serpent and blowfish.  AES has been accepted by The US Federal
>    Information Processing Standards [FIPS-197] and the cryptographic
>    community as being acceptable for this purpose as well.  As always,
>    implementors and users should check current literature to ensure that
>    no recent vulnerabilities have been found in ciphers used within
>    products.  Implementors should also check to see which ciphers are
>    considered to be relatively stronger than others and should recommend
>    their use to users over relatively weaker ciphers.  It would be
>    considered good form for an implementation to politely and
>    unobtrusively notify a user that a stronger cipher is available and
>    should be used when a weaker one is actively chosen.
>    The "none" cipher is provided for debugging and SHOULD NOT be used
>    except for that purpose.  It's cryptographic properties are
>    sufficiently described in RFC 2410 [RFC2410], which will show that its
>    use does not meet the intent of this protocol.
>    The relative merits of these and other ciphers may also be found in
>    current literature.  Two references that may provide information on the
>    subject are [SCHNEIER] and [KAUFMAN,PERLMAN,SPECINER].  Both of these
>    describe the CBC mode of operation of certain ciphers and the weakness
>    of this scheme.  Essentially, this mode is theoretically vulnerable to
>    chosen cipher-text attacks because of the high predictability of the
>    start of packet sequence.  However, this attack is still deemed
>    difficult and not considered fully practicable especially if relatively
>    longer block sizes are used.
>    Additionally, another CBC mode attack may be mitigated through the
>    insertion of packets containing SSH_MSG_IGNORE.  Without this
>    technique, a specific attack may be successful.  For this attack
>    (commonly known as the Rogaway attack) to work, the attacker would
>    need to know the IV of the next block that is going to be encrypted.
>    In CBC mode that is the output of the encryption of the previous
>    block. If the attacker does not have any way to see the packet yet
>    (i.e it is in the internal buffers of the ssh implementation or even
>    in the kernel) then this attack will not work. If the last packet has
>    been sent out to the network (i.e the attacker has access to it) then
>    he can use the attack.
>    In the optimal case an implementor would need to add an extra packet
>    only if the packet has been sent out onto the network and there are no
>    other packets waiting for transmission. Implementors may wish to check
>    to see if there are any unsent packets awaiting transmission, but
>    unfortunately it is not normally easy to obtain this information from
>    the kernel or buffers.  If there are not, then a packet containing
>    SSH_MSG_IGNORE SHOULD be sent.  If a new packet is added to the stream
>    every time the attacker knows the IV that is supposed to be used for
>    the next packet, then the attacker will not be able to guess the
>    correct IV, thus the attack will never be successfull.
>    As an example, consider the following case:
>       Client                                                  Server
>       ------                                                  ------
>       TCP(seq=x, len=500)            ->
>          contains Record 1
>                           [500 ms passes, no ACK]
>       TCP(seq=x, len=1000)           ->
>          contains Records 1,2
>                                      <-                        ACK
>       (1) The Nagle algorithm + TCP retransmits mean that the two
>           records get coalesced into a single TCP segment
>       (2) Record 2 is *not* at the beginning of the TCP segment
>           and never will be, since it gets ACKed.
>       (3) Yet, the attack is possible because Record 1 has already
>           been seen.
>    As this example indicates, it's totally unsafe to use the existence
>    of unflushed data in the TCP buffers proper as a guide to whether
>    you need an empty packet, since when you do the second write(),
>    the buffers will contain the un-ACKed Record 1.
>    On the other hand, it's perfectly safe to have the following
>    situation:
>       Client                                                  Server
>       ------                                                  ------
>       TCP(seq=x, len=500)           ->
>          contains SSH_MSG_IGNORE
>       TCP(seq=y, len=500)           ->
>          contains Data
>    Provided that the IV for second SSH Record is fixed after the data for
>    the Data packet is determined -i.e. you do:
>         read from user
>         encrypt null packet
>         encrypt data packet
> 11.2.2 Data Integrity
>    This protocol does allow the Data Integrity mechanism to be disabled.
>    Implementors SHOULD be wary of exposing this feature for any purpose
>    other than debugging.  Users and administrators SHOULD be explicitly
>    warned anytime the "none" MAC is enabled.
>    So long as the "none" MAC is not used, this protocol
>    provides data integrity.
>    Because MACs use a 32 bit sequence number, they might start to leak
>    information after 2**32 packets have been sent.  However, following
>    the rekeying recommendations should prevent this attack.  The
>    transport protocol [1] recommends rekeying after one gigabyte of data,
>    and the smallest possible packet is 16 bytes. Therefore, rekeying
>    SHOULD happen after 2**28 packets at the very most.
> 11.2.3 Replay
>    The use of a MAC other than 'none' provides integrity and
>    authentication.  In addition, the transport protocol provides a unique
>    session identifier (bound in part to pseudo-random data that is part
>    of the algorithm and key exchange process) that can be used by higher
>    level protocols to bind data to a given session and prevent replay of
>    data from prior sessions. For example, the authentication protocol uses
>    this to prevent replay of signatures from previous sessions.  Because
>    public key authentication exchanges are cryptographically bound to the
>    session (i.e., to the initial key exchange) they cannot be successfully
>    replayed in other sessions.  Note that the session ID can be made
>    public without harming the security of the protocol.
>    If two session happen to have the same session ID [hash of key
>    exchanges] then packets from one can be replayed against the other.
>    It must be stressed that the chances of such an occurrence are,
>    needless to say, minimal when using modern cryptographic methods.
>    This is all the more so true when specifying larger hash function
>    outputs and DH parameters.
>    Replay detection using monotonically increasing sequence numbers as
>    input to the MAC, or HMAC in some cases, is described in RFC 2085
>    [RFC2085], RFC 2246 [RFC2246], RFC 2743 [RFC2743], RFC 1964 [RFC1964],
>    RFC 2025 [RFC2025], and RFC 1510 [RFC1510].  The underlying construct
>    is discussed in RFC 2104 [RFC2104].  Essentially a different sequence
>    number in each packet ensures that at least this one input to the MAC
>    function will be unique and will provide a nonrecurring MAC output
>    that is not predictable to an attacker.  If the session stays active
>    long enough, however, this sequence number will wrap.  This event may
>    provide an attacker an opportunity to replay a previously recorded
>    packet with an identical sequence number but only if the peers have
>    not rekeyed since the transmission of the first packet with that
>    sequence number.  If the peers have rekeyed, then the replay will be
>    detected as the MAC check will fail.  For this reason, it must be
>    emphasized that peers MUST rekey before a wrap of the sequence
>    numbers.  Naturally, if an attacker does attempt to replay a captured
>    packet before the peers have rekeyed, then the receiver of the
>    duplicate packet will not be able to validate the MAC and it will be
>    discarded.  The reason that the MAC will fail is because the receiver
>    will formulate a MAC based upon the packet contents, the shared
>    secret, and the expected sequence number.  Since the replayed packet
>    will not be using that expected sequence number (the sequence number
>    of the replayed packet will have already been passed by the receiver)
>    then the calculated MAC will not match the MAC received with the
>    packet.
> 11.2.4 Man-in-the-middle
>    This protocol makes no assumptions nor provisions for an
>    infrastructure or means for distributing the public keys of hosts.  It
>    is expected that this protocol will sometimes be used without first
>    verifying the association between the server host key and the server
>    host name.  Such usage is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
>    This section describes this and encourages administrators and users to
>    understand the importance of verifying this association before any
>    session is initiated.
>    There are two cases of man-in-the-middle attacks to consider.  The
>    first is where an attacker places a device between the client and the
>    server before the session is initiated.  In this case, the attack
>    device is trying to mimic the legitimate server and will offer its
>    public key to the client when the client initiates a session.  If it
>    were to offer the public key of the server, then it would not be able
>    to decrypt or sign the transmissions between the legitimate server and
>    the client unless it also had access to the private-key of the host.
>    The attack device will also, simultaneously to this, initiate a
>    session to the legitimate server masquerading itself as the client.
>    If the public key of the server had been securely distributed to the
>    client prior to that session initiation, the key offered to the client
>    by the attack device will not match the key stored on the client.  In
>    that case, the user SHOULD be given a warning that the offered host
>    key does not match the host key cached on the client.  As described in
>    Section 3.1 of [SSH-ARCH], the user may be free to accept the new key
>    and continue the session.  It is RECOMMENDED that the warning provide
>    sufficient information to the user of the client device so they may
>    make an informed decision.  If the user chooses to continue the
>    session with the stored public-key of the server (not the public-key
>    offered at the start of the session), then the session specific data
>    between the attacker and server will be different between the
>    client-to-attacker session and the attacker-to-server sessions due to
>    the randomness discussed above.  From this, the attacker will not be
>    able to make this attack work since the attacker will not be able to
>    correctly sign packets containing this session specific data from the
>    server since he does not have the private key of that server.
>    Insecure distribution of server public keys allows a second type of
>    man-in-the-middle attack that should also be considered in this case;
>    one with suitable but incorrect host keys.  If the server public keys
>    are not securely distributed then the client cannot know if it is
>    talking to the intended server.  An attacker may use social
>    engineering techniques to pass off server keys to unsuspecting users
>    and may then place a man-in-the-middle attack device between the
>    legitimate server and the clients.  If this is allowed to happen then
>    the clients will form client-to-attacker sessions and the attacker
>    will form attacker-to-server sessions and will be able to monitor and
>    manipulate all of the traffic between the clients and the legitimate
>    servers.  Server administrators are encouraged to make host key
>    fingerprints available for checking by some means whose security does
>    not rely on the integrity of the actual host keys.  Possible
>    mechanisms are discussed in Section 3.1 of [SSH-ARCH] and may also
>    include secured Web pages, physical pieces of paper, etc.
>    Implementors SHOULD provide recommendations on how best to do this
>    with their implementation.  Because the protocol is extensible, future
>    extensions to the protocol may provide better mechanisms for dealing
>    with the need to know the server's host key before connecting.  For
>    example, making the host key fingerprint available through a secure
>    DNS lookup, or using kerberos over gssapi during key exchange to
>    authenticate the server are possibilities.
>    As a second man-in-the-middle case, attackers may attempt to
>    manipulate packets in transit between peers after the session has been
>    established.  As described in the Replay part of this section, a
>    successful attack of this nature is very improbable.  As in the Replay
>    section, this reasoning does assume that the MAC is secure and that it
>    is infeasible to construct inputs to a MAC algorithm to give a known
>    output.  This is discussed in much greater detail in Section 6 of RFC
>    2104.  If the MAC algorithm has a vulnerability or is weak enough,
>    then the attacker may be able to specify certain inputs to yield a
>    known MAC.  With that they may be able to alter the contents of a
>    packet in transit.  Alternatively the attacker may be able to exploit
>    the algorithm vulnerability or weakness to find the shared secret by
>    reviewing the MACs from captured packets.  In either of those cases,
>    an attacker could construct a packet or packets that could be inserted
>    into an SSH stream.  To prevent that, implementors are encouraged to
>    utilize commonly accepted MAC algorithms and administrators are
>    encouraged to watch current literature and discussions of cryptography
>    to ensure that they are not using a MAC algorithm that has a recently
>    found vulnerability or weakness.
>    In summary, the use of this protocol without a reliable association of
>    the binding between a host and its host keys is inherently insecure
>    and is NOT RECOMMENDED.  It may however be necessary in non-security
>    critical environments, and will still provide protection against
>    passive attacks.  Implementors of protocols and applications running
>    on top of this protocol should keep this possibility in mind.
> 11.2.5 Denial-of-service
>    This protocol is designed to be used over a reliable transport.  If
>    transmission errors or message manipulation occur, the connection is
>    closed.  The connection SHOULD be re-established if this occurs.
>    Denial of service attacks of this type ("wire cutter") are almost
>    impossible to avoid.
>    In addition, this protocol is vulnerable to Denial of Service
>    attacks because an attacker can force the server to go through
>    the CPU and memory intensive tasks of connection setup and
>    key exchange without authenticating.  Implementors SHOULD provide
>    features that make this more difficult.  For example, only allowing
>    connections from a subset of IPs known to have valid users.
> 11.2.6 Covert Channels
>    The protocol was not designed to eliminate covert channels.  For
>    example, the padding, SSH_MSG_IGNORE messages, and several other
>    places in the protocol can be used to pass covert information, and
>    the recipient has no reliable way to verify whether such information
>    is being sent.
> 11.2.7  Forward Secrecy
>    It should be noted that the Diffie-Hellman key exchanges may provide
>    perfect forward secrecy (PFS).  PFS is essentially defined as the
>    cryptographic property of a key-establishment protocol in which the
>    compromise of a session key or long-term private key after a given
>    session does not cause the compromise of any earlier session.
>    [ANSI T1.523-2001]  SSHv2 sessions resulting from a key exchange using
>    diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 are secure even if private
>    keying/authentication material is later revealed, but not if the
>    session keys are revealed. So, given this definition of PFS, SSHv2
>    does have PFS.  It is hoped that all other key exchange mechanisms
>    proposed and used in the future will also provide PFS.  This property
>    is not commuted to any of the applications or protocols using SSH as a
>    transport however.  The transport layer of SSH provides
>    confidentiality for password authentication and other methods that
>    rely on secret data.
>    Of course, if the DH private parameters for the client and server are
>    revealed then the session key is revealed, but these items can be
>    thrown away after the key exchange completes.  It's worth pointing out
>    that these items should not be allowed to end up on swap space and
>    that they should be erased from memory as soon as the key exchange
>    completes.
> 11.3 Authentication Protocol
>    The purpose of this protocol is to perform client user authentication.
>    It assumes that this run over a secure transport layer protocol, which
>    has already authenticated the server machine, established an encrypted
>    communications channel, and computed a unique session identifier for
>    this session.
>    Several authentication methods with different security characteristics
>    are allowed.  It is up to the server's local policy to decide which
>    methods (or combinations of methods) it is willing to accept for each
>    user.  Authentication is no stronger than the weakest combination
>    allowed.
>    The server may go into a "sleep" period after repeated unsuccessful
>    authentication attempts to make key search more difficult for
>    attackers.  Care should be taken so that this doesn't become a
>    self-denial of service vector.
> 11.3.1 Weak Transport
>    If the transport layer does not provide confidentiality,
>    authentication methods that rely on secret data SHOULD be disabled.
>    If it does not provide strong integrity protection, requests to change
>    authentication data (e.g. a password change) SHOULD be disabled to
>    prevent an attacker from  modifying the ciphertext without being
>    noticed, or rendering the new authentication data unusable (denial
>    of service).
>    The assumption as stated above that the Authentication Protocol only
>    run over a secure transport that has previously authenticated the
>    server is very important to note.  People deploying SSH are reminded
>    of the consequences of man-in-the-middle attacks if the client does
>    not have a very strong a priori association of the server with the
>    host key of that server.  Specifically for the case of the
>    Authentication Protocol the client may form a session to a
>    man-in-the-middle attack device and divulge user credentials such as
>    their username and password.  Even in the cases of authentication
>    where no user credentials are divulged, an attacker may still gain
>    information they shouldn't have by capturing key-strokes in much the
>    same way that a honeypot works.
> 11.3.2 Debug messages
>    Special care should be taken when designing debug messages.  These
>    messages may reveal surprising amounts of information about the host
>    if not properly designed.  Debug messages can be disabled (during
>    user authentication phase) if high security is required.
> 11.3.3 Local security policy
>    Implementer MUST ensure that the credentials provided validate the
>    professed user and also MUST ensure that the local policy of the
>    server permits the user the access requested.  In particular,
>    because of the flexible nature of the SSH connection protocol, it may
>    not be possible to determine the local security policy, if any, that
>    should apply at the time of authentication because the kind of service
>    being requested is not clear at that instant. For example, local
>    policy might allow a user to access files on the server, but not start
>    an interactive shell. However, during the authentication protocol, it
>    is not known whether the user will be accessing files or attempting to
>    use an interactive shell, or even both.  In any event, where local
>    security policy for the server host exists, it MUST be applied and
>    enforced correctly.
>    Implementors are encouraged to provide a default local policy and
>    make its parameters known to administrators and users.  At the
>    discretion of the implementors, this default policy may be along the
>    lines of 'anything goes' where there are no restrictions placed upon
>    users, or it may be along the lines of 'excessively restrictive' in
>    which case the administrators will have to actively make changes to
>    this policy to meet their needs.  Alternatively, it may be some
>    attempt at providing something practical and immediately useful to the
>    administrators of the system so they don't have to put in much effort
>    to get SSH working.  Whatever choice is made MUST be applied and
>    enforced as required above.
> 11.3.4 Public key authentication
>    The use of public-key authentication assumes that the client host has
>    not been compromised.
>    This risk can be mitigated by the use of passphrases on private keys;
>    however, this is not an enforceable policy.  The use of smartcards, or
>    other technology to make passphrases an enforceable policy is
>    suggested.
>    The server could require both password and public-key authentication,
>    however, this requires the client to expose its password to the server
>    (see section on password authentication below.)
> 11.3.5 Password authentication
>    The password mechanism as specified in the authentication protocol
>    assumes that the server has not been compromised.  If the server has
>    been compromised, using password authentication will reveal a valid
>    username / password combination to the attacker, which may lead to
>    further compromises.
>    This vulnerability can be mitigated by using an alternative form of
>    authentication.  For example, public-key authentication makes no
>    assumptions about security on the server.
> 11.3.6 Host based authentication
>    Host based authentication assumes that the client has not been
>    compromised.  There are no mitigating strategies, other than to use
>    host based authentication in combination with another authentication
>    method.
> 11.4 Connection protocol
> 11.4.1 End point security
>    End point security is assumed by the connection protocol.  If the
>    server has been compromised, any terminal sessions, port forwarding,
>    or systems accessed on the host are compromised.  There are no
>    mitigating factors for this.
>    If the client end point has been compromised, and the server fails to
>    stop the attacker at the authentication protocol, all services exposed
>    (either as subsystems or through forwarding) will be vulnerable to
>    attack.  Implementors SHOULD provide mechanisms for administrators to
>    control which services are exposed to limit the vulnerability of other
>    services.
>    These controls might include controlling which machines and ports can
>    be target in 'port-forwarding' operations, which users are allowed to
>    use interactive shell facilities, or which users are allowed to use
>    exposed subsystems.
> 11.4.2 Proxy forwarding
>    The SSH connection protocol allows for proxy forwarding of other
>    protocols such as SNMP, POP3, and HTTP.  This may be a concern for
>    network administrators who wish to control the access of certain
>    applications by users located outside of their physical location.
>    Essentially, the forwarding of these protocols may violate site
>    specific security policies as they may be undetectably tunneled
>    through a firewall.  Implementors SHOULD provide an administrative
>    mechanism to control the proxy forwarding functionality so that
>    site specific security policies may be upheld.
>    In addition, a reverse proxy forwarding functionality
>    is available, which again can be used to bypass firewall
>    controls.
>    As indicated above, end-point security is assumed during
>    proxy forwarding operations.  Failure of end-point security
>    will compromise all data passed over proxy forwarding.
> 11.4.3 X11 forwarding
>    Another form of proxy forwarding provided by the ssh connection
>    protocol is the forwarding of the X11 protocol.  If end-point security
>    has been compromised, X11 forwarding may allow attacks against the X11
>    server.  Users and administrators should, as a matter of course, use
>    appropriate X11 security mechanisms to prevent unauthorized use of the
>    X11 server.  Implementors, administrators and users who wish to
>    further explore the security mechanisms of X11 are invited to read
>    [SCHEIFLER] and analyze previously reported problems with the
>    interactions between SSH forwarding and X11 in CERT vulnerabilities
>    VU#363181 and VU#118892 [CERT].
>    X11 display forwarding with SSH, by itself, is not sufficient to
>    correct well known problems with X11 security [VENEMA].  However, X11
>    display forwarding in SSHv2 (or other, secure protocols), combined
>    with actual and pseudo-displays which accept connections only over
>    local IPC mechanisms authorized by permissions or ACLs, does correct
>    many X11 security problems as long as the "none" MAC is not used.  It
>    is RECOMMENDED that X11 display implementations default to allowing
>    display opens only over local IPC.  It is RECOMMENDED that SSHv2
>    server implementations that support X11 forwarding default to allowing
>    display opens only over local IPC.  On single-user systems it might be
>    reasonable to default to allowing local display opens over TCP/IP.
>    Implementors of the X11 forwarding protocol SHOULD implement the magic
>    cookie access checking spoofing mechanism as described in [ssh-connect]
>    as an additional mechanism to prevent unauthorized use of the proxy.
> References from this section:
> [RFC1510] Kohl, J. and C. Neuman, "The Kerberos Network Authentication
>           Service (V5)", RFC 1510, September 1993.
> [RFC-1964] Linn, J., "The Kerberos Version 5 GSS-API Mechanism",
>            RFC 1964, June 1996.
> [RFC1750] Eastlake, D., Crocker, S. and J. Schiller, "Randomness
>           Recommendations for Security", RFC 1750, December 1994.
> [RFC2025] Adams, C., "The Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism
>           (SPKM)", RFC 2025, October 1996.
> [RFC2085] Oehler, M. and R. Glenn, "HMAC-MD5 IP Authentication with Replay
>           Prevention", RFC 2085, February 1997.
> [RFC2104] Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC:
>           Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104,
>           February 1997.
> [RFC2246] Diercks, T. and  C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version
>           1.0", RFC 2246, January 1999.
> [RFC2410] Glenn, R. and S. Kent, "The NULL Encryption Algorithm and Its
>           Use With IPsec", RFC 2410, November 1998
> [RFC2743] Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
>           Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743, January 2000.
> [SCHNEIER] Applied Cryptography, Second Edition, Bruce Schneier, Wiley
>           and Sons Publisher, 1996
> [KAUFMAN,PERLMAN,SPECINER] Network Security; PRIVATE Communication in
>           a PUBLIC World, Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman, Mike Speciner,
>           Prentice Hall Publisher, 1995
> [FIPS-197]  National Institute of Standards and Technology,
>             "Specification for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)"
>             FIPS 197.  November 26, 2001.
> [ANSI T1.523-2001] American National Standard T1.523-2001, "Telecom
>           Glossary 2000", American National Standards Institute, Inc.,
>           Approved February 28, 2001.
> [SCHEIFLER]  Scheifler, R., "X Window System : The Complete
>           Reference to Xlib, X Protocol, Icccm, Xlfd, 3rd
>           edition.", Digital Press ISBN 1555580882, Feburary
>           1992.
> [CERT]    The CERT Coordination Center
>           Software Engineering Institute
>           Carnegie Mellon University
>           Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
>           U.S.A.
>           ( )
> [VENEMA] Wietse Venema, "Murphy's Law and Computer Security", Proceedings
>          of 6th USENIX Security Symposium, San Jose, CA, July 1996.

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