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RE: New Section 11.2.4 Man-in-the-middle

Looks great to me!  One minor nit (which you may choose to ignore);  I would
probably switch the order of case 1 and case 2 just because case 2 is the
most likely, and most preventable attack.

Case 1: No keys distributed.
Case 2: Keys distributed, but attack possible due to user intervention.
Case 3: More high-tech attack.

The attacks get more complex as they go.  And the cases follow from each

My opinion.  YMMV

Richard (Rick) Wanner B.Sc. GCFW
Security Engineering & Evaluation Group
InfoSec Centre of Expertise (COE)
CGI Information Systems & Management Consultants Inc.
Ottawa, Canada

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Chris Lonvick
> Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 1:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: New Section 11.2.4 Man-in-the-middle
> Hi,
> (Meetings are great places to get work done. :-)
> I've made some modifications to the MITM section to separate the attacks
> into 3 cases (rather than subsets of 2):
> - getting incorrect host keys during the first session attempt
> - noting the case where an attacker may usurp secure key distribution
> - attempts at modifying packets after the session has been established
> Please review this and provide feedback.  The "diffs" are at
> Thanks,
> Chris
> ========================================================================
> 11.1.4 Man-in-the-middle
>    This protocol makes no assumptions nor provisions for an
>    infrastructure or means for distributing the public keys of hosts.  It
>    is expected that this protocol will sometimes be used without first
>    verifying the association between the server host key and the server
>    host name.  Such usage is vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
>    This section describes this and encourages administrators and users to
>    understand the importance of verifying this association before any
>    session is initiated.
>    There are three cases of man-in-the-middle attacks to consider.  The
>    first is where an attacker places a device between the client and the
>    server before the session is initiated.  In this case, the attack
>    device is trying to mimic the legitimate server and will offer its
>    public key to the client when the client initiates a session.  If it
>    were to offer the public key of the server, then it would not be able
>    to decrypt or sign the transmissions between the legitimate server and
>    the client unless it also had access to the private-key of the host.
>    The attack device will also, simultaneously to this, initiate a
>    session to the legitimate server masquerading itself as the client.
>    If the public key of the server had been securely distributed to the
>    client prior to that session initiation, the key offered to the client
>    by the attack device will not match the key stored on the client.  In
>    that case, the user SHOULD be given a warning that the offered host
>    key does not match the host key cached on the client.  As described in
>    Section 3.1 of [ARCH], the user may be free to accept the new key and
>    continue the session.  It is RECOMMENDED that the warning provide
>    sufficient information to the user of the client device so they may
>    make an informed decision.  If the user chooses to continue the
>    session with the stored public-key of the server (not the public-key
>    offered at the start of the session), then the session specific data
>    between the attacker and server will be different between the
>    client-to-attacker session and the attacker-to-server sessions due to
>    the randomness discussed above.  From this, the attacker will not be
>    able to make this attack work since the attacker will not be able to
>    correctly sign packets containing this session specific data from the
>    server since he does not have the private key of that server.
>    The second case that should be considered is similar to the first case
>    in that it also happens at the time of connection but this case points
>    out the need for the secure distribution of server public keys.  If the
>    server public keys are not securely distributed then the client cannot
>    know if it is talking to the intended server.  An attacker may use
>    social engineering techniques to pass off server keys to unsuspecting
>    users and may then place a man-in-the-middle attack device between the
>    legitimate server and the clients.  If this is allowed to happen then
>    the clients will form client-to-attacker sessions and the attacker
>    will form attacker-to-server sessions and will be able to monitor and
>    manipulate all of the traffic between the clients and the legitimate
>    servers.  Server administrators are encouraged to make host key
>    fingerprints available for checking by some means whose security does
>    not rely on the integrity of the actual host keys.  Possible
>    mechanisms are discussed in Section 3.1 of [SSH-ARCH] and may also
>    include secured Web pages, physical pieces of paper, etc.
>    Implementors SHOULD provide recommendations on how best to do this
>    with their implementation.  Because the protocol is extensible, future
>    extensions to the protocol may provide better mechanisms for dealing
>    with the need to know the server's host key before connecting.  For
>    example, making the host key fingerprint available through a secure
>    DNS lookup, or using kerberos over gssapi during key exchange to
>    authenticate the server are possibilities.
>    In the third man-in-the-middle case, attackers may attempt to
>    manipulate packets in transit between peers after the session has been
>    established.  As described in the Replay part of this section, a
>    successful attack of this nature is very improbable.  As in the Replay
>    section, this reasoning does assume that the MAC is secure and that it
>    is infeasible to construct inputs to a MAC algorithm to give a known
>    output.  This is discussed in much greater detail in Section 6 of RFC
>    2104.  If the MAC algorithm has a vulnerability or is weak enough,
>    then the attacker may be able to specify certain inputs to yield a
>    known MAC.  With that they may be able to alter the contents of a
>    packet in transit.  Alternatively the attacker may be able to exploit
>    the algorithm vulnerability or weakness to find the shared secret by
>    reviewing the MACs from captured packets.  In either of those cases,
>    an attacker could construct a packet or packets that could be inserted
>    into an SSH stream.  To prevent that, implementors are encouraged to
>    utilize commonly accepted MAC algorithms and administrators are
>    encouraged to watch current literature and discussions of cryptography
>    to ensure that they are not using a MAC algorithm that has a recently
>    found vulnerability or weakness.
>    In summary, the use of this protocol without a reliable association of
>    the binding between a host and its host keys is inherently insecure
>    and is NOT RECOMMENDED.  It may however be necessary in non-security
>    critical environments, and will still provide protection against
>    passive attacks.  Implementors of protocols and applications running
>    on top of this protocol should keep this possibility in mind.

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