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wg chair comments on draft-ietf-secsh-newmodes-00.txt

Two editorial comments:

First, as is the current preference of the IESG, references should be
split into normative and non-normative sections.

It appears that of the current references,

 - AES,RFC2119,RFC2144,SCHNEIER,SERPENT,SSH-*,TWOFISH are normative,
   as they define things necessary to implement the new modes
   (ciphers, mostly).

 - DAI,KRAWCZYK,BKN,BN are informative as they provide
   background/rationale only.

Second (as a minor nit), the page headers say "Month, Year" rather
than the month and year of publication...

Comments for the WG as a whole:

Other than that, the document looks nearly ready to go.  I'd like to
encourage participants in this WG to review this document as I'm
inclined to issue a WG Last Call as soon as these above nits are

In particular, I'd like to hear opinions from the WG about the
requirement level of each listed algorithm (see section 4 of the
document). Aer we listing too many?  Should any be required?

						- Bill

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