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Re: Publickey subsystem draft posted

In the introduction you say:

   This protocol requires that the user be able to authenticate in some
   fashion before it can be used. If password authentication is used,
   servers SHOULD provide a configuration option to disable the use of
   password authentication after the first public key is added.

While I support the intent of this the functionality seems like it would
actually be more appropriate for one of the core drafts rather than this one.

  3.2 Adding a public key

   If the client wishes to add a public key, the client sends:

   	string    "add"
   	string    comment
   	string    public-key algorithm name
   	string    public-key blob

   The server MUST attempt to store the public key for the user in the
   appropriate location so the public key can be used for subsequent
   public-key authentications.

   The comment field contains user-specified text about the public key
   and MAY be empty.

I'd like to see text added to say that the server is not supposed to
interpret the comment in any way and is NOT required to preserve it for
subsequent return in a list command.

 3.4 Listing public keys

   If the client wishes to list the known public keys, the client sends:

   	string    "list"

   The server will respond with zero or more of the following responses:

   	string    "publickey"
   	string    comment
   	string    public-key algorithm name
   	string    public-key blob

   The comment field contains user-specified text about the public key
   and MAY be empty.

   Following the last "publickey" response, a status packet MUST be

   An implementation MAY choose not to support this request.

How long is the client supposed to wait for the server to send the
status packet to say it is done ?

I would have expected the server to send a packed more like this:

	string "publickey-list"
	uint32 number of following public keys
	string comment
	string public-key algorithm name
	string public-key blob
	.... and so on upto uint32 number of keys

OR something like

	string "publickey-list"
	uint32 number of following public keys

	then send the publickeys in the packet format you defined in 3.4

Telling the client how many keys are comming would probably be helpful
for implementers building a UI to display this info.

Darren J Moffat

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