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Re: SSH_MSG_KEXGSS_HOSTKEY (was: Re: I-D ACTION:draft-weber-secsh-pkalg-none-00.txt)

On Monday, July 21, 2003 15:39:46 -0700 Nicolas Williams <> wrote:

On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 10:41:10AM -0400, Jeffrey Hutzelman wrote:

There is some question as to what to do with a keyex retry, and how to
authenticate it.  I don't see how KEXINIT2 helps us here, but I don't see
how Nico's chaining proposal helps either.  The KEXINIT message is
constructed as part of the exchange hash, which is computed by each keyex
algorithm when the exchange is complete.  If key exchange fails, there is
and can be no hash, and thus nothing to chain.

I think we should proceed by:

 - describing the semantics of KEXINIT extensions (just posted on this)

 - extending KEXINIT in a separate I-D to include:

    - a field containing the checksum of the concatenation of previous
      packets relating to FAILED kex attempts (if any); this is where
      "chaining" comes in (and note that this checksum need not be
      specified on a per-kex method basis);

I'm not totally convinced. It can't be a fixed algorithm; there has to be an upgrade path so we don't get screwed if the algorithm we choose turns out to be broken. IMHO the simplest way to handle this is by just allowing the keyex to checksum the concatenation of the whole mess at the end, but maybe you have a better idea.

Is it necessary to record the complete set of messages exchanged? I guess it probably is, since otherwise the attacker could DoS a better keyex out of the way to get at a worse one.

    - text stating that peers must not disconnect when kex fails if
      there remain any untried kex methods (including host key types);

MUST NOT is too strong, I think. I'd be happy with a SHOULD NOT, with the idea being that you either disconnect or send a retry message, with a strong preference for the latter.

    - a field for expressing kex/host key preferences as a list of
      tuples to override any values of the 'kex_algorithms' and
      'server_host_key_algorithms' legacy fields of the KEXINIT.


I do think we need a mechanism to signal keyex failure and the start of a
retry, as well as to carry information about the failure.  To this end, I
will propose that when a keyex fails and retry is supported, a
SSH_MSG_KEXFAIL message is sent, possibly containing information about

I don't think this is necessary when keyex fails on the client side - it
just should send a new [extended] KEXINIT.

I'm not sure. I'd have to consider the semantics of this carefully, to make sure we don't have a deadlock. I think you're probably right, but I'll have to reread the transport document.

what combination of algorithms failed.  We can then assert that for the
purposes of computing the exchange hash, "the SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message"
actually consists of the concatenation of the KEXINIT message and all
KEXFAIL messages sent as part of the same exchange.

I don't like the idea of modifying the existing session ID
specifications because those are spread over three I-Ds and never
envisioned that the session ID hash specs would change.

I'm fine with chaining, as long as you can show me a reasonable way to determine what hash algorithm to use.

Details.  We want to negotiate tuples - how we encode them is not very
important right now (and "dh-group1-sha1-pgp-sign-dss" is really an
encoding for {"dh-group1-sha1", "pgp-sign-dss"}).

Agreed. A better question is, can we solve the problem adequately using an encoding that fits everything into the existing key exchange process, or do we have to extend it. I believe this has a significant impact on whether the work is too complex to be worthwhile, and on whether we will be able to get implementors to adopt it.

The reason named fields are a good ide here is that we may only have ONE
shot at using the reserved uint32 last field of KEXINIT  (once there are
several values defined for it, not just two, the semantics of KEXINIT
extensions negotiation become more complex...).  Of course, we could
just keep appending an extensions field to every KEXINIT extension, to
avoid this problem.  :) :)

I guess I was thinking in terms of defining the extensions field as a sort of sub-version, which grows as more extension fields are added. Yes, this means the extension mechanism can only be used by IETF consensus. That does not strike me as a problem in this case. :-)

-- Jeff

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