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Re: BREAK OVER SSH: draft-ietf-secsh-break-02

On Tuesday, Aug 19, 2003, at 18:52 America/Montreal, Phillip Remaker wrote:
(Does mailing to the list constitute an official submission? Or are there
more steps I need to take?)

Official submissions are sent to <>.
The IETF Secretariat folks will, when time permits, then publish
the submitted I-D to the online I-D archives.

I-D submissions that have the approval of the WG Chair should
have a filename of draft-ietf-secsh-*.txt.  Individual proposals
should have a filename of draft-<lastname>-*.txt.  Normally,
stuff starts off as an individual proposal, then becomes a
WG official document later on after some WG discussion.

(I'm copying the whole list since others probably wonder about
the same questions.)


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