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Sftp rename: 2 proposals

I made this proposal, but after not being able to find it, I realized
I screwed up sending it and it didn't ever make it to the list:

All right, how about the following change:

   Files (and directories) can be renamed using the SSH_FXP_RENAME
   message.  Its data is as follows:

        uint32     id
        string     oldpath [UTF-8]
   	string     newpath [UTF-8]
        uint32     flags

   where `id' is the request identifier, `oldpath' is the name of an
   existing file or directory, and `newpath' is the new name for the
   file or directory.

   flags is 0 or a combination of

     SSH_FXP_RENAME_ATOMIC     0x00000002
     SSH_FXP_RENAME_NATIVE     0x00000004
     SSH_FXP_RENAME_COPY_OK    0x00000008

   If flags does not include SSH_FXP_RENAME_OVERWRITE,
   and there already exists a file with the name
   specified by newpath, the server MUST respond

   If flags includes SSH_FXP_RENAME_ATOMIC, and
   the destination file already exists, it is
   replaced in an atomic fashion.  I.e., there
   is no observable instance in time where the
   destination file does not exist.  SSH_FXP_RENAME_ATOMIC

   There may, however, be some span of time where
   both the source and destination file exist.
   SSH_FXP_RENAME_ATOMIC has no bearing on the
   source file.

   If flags includes SSH_FXP_RENAME_ATOMIC and the
   server cannot replace the destination in an
   atomic fashion, then the server MUST respond

   Because some servers cannot provide atomic rename,
   clients should only specify atomic rename if correct
   operation requires it.  If SSH_FXP_RENAME_OVERWRITE
   is specified, the server MAY preform an atomic
   rename even if it is not requested.

   If flags includes SSH_FXP_RENAME_NATIVE, the server
   is free to do the rename operation in whatever
   fashion it deems appropriate.  Other flag values
   are considered hints as to desired behavior, but
   not requirements.

   If flags includes SSH_FXP_RENAME_COPY_OK, the
   server MAY preform a copy / delete operation
   in order to complete the operation.  If an atomic
   rename is also requested, the server may only
   preform this sequence if it can do so in an
   atomic fashion for the destination file.

   The server may fail rename requests in other
   situations, for example if `oldpath' and `newpath'
   point to different file systems on the server.

   The server will respond to this request with a
   SSH_FXP_STATUS message.

The other proposal is this (from Martin Pool,

> I think the fact that SSH_FXP_RENAME is impossible to reliably
> implemented on Unix is a serious problem.  Secondarily it is a shame
> that it prevents use of the atomic-rename Unix idiom.
> I would like to suggest that the phrasing be changed to
>   The server MAY return SSH_FX_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS if there exists a
>   file with the name specified by newpath.
> Clients which wish to always replace the path without knowing the
> server filesystem can precede the rename operation with an attempt to
> delete the destination file.  That does not seem to be an undue
> burden.
> Clients which know the server is Unix and which wish to take advantage
> of atomic replace can do so.

I believe this proposal has a couple of issues:

o It is not possible to know if the server is unix (and I
  think, in general, it is a bad idea to make decisions
  based on OS type.)

o If the client does _not_ wish to have the file replaced,
  it must stat the file and wait for the response before

o As mentioned above, if the client wishes the file to
  always be overwritten, it must delete the destination,
  and then do the rename, but even that may _still_ fail
  if something comes along and recreates the file in the
  interim.  (Imagine a system where the file must exist,
  and so there is a monitor program which recreates the
  file if it is deleted.  Farfetched?  Maybe.  Possible?

I think it is far better for the client to be able to specify
the behavior they want on the rename.  Most clients are probably
happy with whatever the server does natively.


I believe both of these proposals require sftp v5; mine
certainly does, but Martin's changes the semantics of
an existing operation sufficiently that I believe
we should change the version number.

- Joseph

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