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Protocol Action: 'Using DNS to Securely Publish SSH Key Fingerprints' to Proposed Standard

The IESG has approved following document:

- 'Using DNS to Securely Publish SSH Key Fingerprints '
   <draft-ietf-secsh-dns-05.txt> as a Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Secure Shell Working Group. 

The IESG contact persons are Russ Housley and Steve Bellovin.

Technical Summary

      This document describes a method to verify Secure Shell (SSH) host
      keys using DNS security (DNSSEC). The document defines a new DNS
      resource record that contains a standard SSH key fingerprint.

Working Group Summary

      The Secure Shell Working Group came to consensus on this document.

Protocol Quality

      This document was reviewed by Russell Housley for the IESG.

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