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Re: FW: SCP/SFTP/SSH URI Format Draft Update

[oops, you just sent in the draft.  murphy's law in action..]

[WG chair hat off]


   The URIs for SFTP and SCP are hierarcical URIs where each component  

I think you mean "hierarchical".


   The fingerprint MAY be used to validate the 
   authenticity of the host key if the URL was obtained from an 
   authenticated source with its integrity protected.  

awkward wording.  how about:

   The fingerprint MAY be used to validate the authenticity of the
   host key if the URL was obtained from a trusted source.  

Yes, "trusted" is overloaded.  The text as written would disallow an
embedded system from using the fingerprint part of a URI if it was,
for example, burned into a boot image..
This one I'm taking issue with:

   There MUST be only one fingerprint parameter per host-key-alg for a
   given URL. 

I'm sure there's a good reason for this restriction, but I don't see
it offhand.  Seems like having multiple fingerprints would allow for
graceful host-key rollover...

					- Bill

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