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Re: SSHv2 MIB?


On Tue, 9 Dec 2003, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:

> Somehow I missed the original query to the WG list.
> I am unaware of any existing work on an SSH SNMP MIB.  (I think your
> question is the first time it's been asked about)
> Existing implementations are typically managed through configuration
> files or the equivalent.
> 					- Bill
> 				(speaking as WG chair..)

Splitting hairs and picking nits follows- but where it leads may be
interesting to some on this list.

It appears that MIBs and SNMP have been used for monitoring and not for
configuration or provisioning.  That was the conclusion of the OAM Area
(Bert Wijnen and Randy Bush) when they commissioned the Netconf WG to look
into a mechanism to configure and provision network devices.  SNMP will
continue to be used for monitoring devices.  The WG has split out the
transport problem from the mechanism and is contemplating
 BEEP (as defined in RFC 3195)
 SSH (as is being defined in this WG).

The Netconf WG Charter is here:
The use of SSH is expressed here:

Please do not jump into the Netconf discussion and start cheering for your
favourite protocol.  There are advantages and disadvantages to each of the
proposals in this application.  A lot of the discussion may be found here:

As I said, I hope this is of interest to some on the list.


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