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Re: Bug? in SSH public key file format

From: "Niels Möller" <>
> Peter Gutmann <> writes:
> > >It doesn't look like a central piece of the
infrastructure. So at least I
> > >wouldn't mind having it changed now.
> >
> > Oh, in that case I'd be all for it - I had the feeling
there'd be grumblings
> > about "It's too late to change now".
> I would feel that way if this text format were part of the
> drafts", but it's not.
> The recently expired draft-ietf-secsh-publickeyfile-04.txt
is the
> latest specification for the public key file format,

A note from 11/13/03 that was posted to ietf-ssh says that
draft was in Last Call.  I'm not sure what happened after


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