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Re: A note to draft authors/editors: revised I-D template.

> [...] I'm informed that, with the publication of rfc's 3667, 3668,
> and 3669, there are now some slightly revised legal wording required
> in internet drafts.

Those documents appear _horribly_ USA-centric.  I for one will have
trouble taking them seriously until they show at least some awareness
that the world includes more than the USA.  (As a simple example, 3669
says that "utility patents expire after 20 years", a statement which is
obviously jurisdiction-specific.)

Not that this is too big a deal for me; I've always been more
interested in doing interesting things than in jumping through hoops.
If the IESG refuses to publish some document I've written because I
haven't done a proper-sized double backflip, well, people will just
have to get it direct from me instead.

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