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Re: Comments on draft-ietf-secsh-filexfer-05.txt

Joseph Galbraith wrote:

Erwin Bolwidt wrote:

2. the SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY packet structure

The structure of this packet is simple:

uint32 request-id
... any request-specific data ...

It differs from the other packets that use extension by the lack of an extension name.

In the implementation of an SFTP server that I am creating, I have so far been able to parse packets free of any session information, and I think this is a nice and clean design: the packet layer deals with the wire protocol, and the session layer with packets parsed into memory structures.

This is not possible in the case of the SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY packet. I assume that this problem has been observed by you, as the only extension for this packet that is defined in the specification, the "md5-hash" reply, includes an extension name as part of the request-specific data.

My comment is, shouldn't the specification mandate the inclusion of an extension-name in the SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY packet? For compatibility with older protocol versions, this could be a requirement from a certain version of the protocol on.

Actually, the fact that the EXTENDED_REPLY for the "md5-hash" extension
includes the name is a typo-- I'll remove it in the next revision.

The extended reply includes the request-id of the request, which
should allow the client to match up request and response.

I'm not sure why the server would need session information in order
to send the reply w/o the name?  Perhaps you could be more specific
about what you mean?  (Currently, I'm reading 'session information'
as 'saved state'?)

I'm not only talking about the server; I wrote a generic library for both server and client, that translates the bytes of a packet into an object of an object-oriented language, in this case Java. So far, for any packet except SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY, the library doesn't need any information to parse a packet, except for the packet itself. A method like this is sufficient:

public static SftpPacket parse(byte[] packetBytes);

Not in the case of SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY; to parse it, I would need to remember the SSH_FXP_EXTENDED packet to which it is a reply, in order to be able to parse the reply.

public static SftpPacket parse(SentPackets sent, byte[] packetBytes);

While parsing a packet was a straightforward, low-layer activity, it is now necessary to manage the information about sent packets. This makes the software design less transparent, and more prone to bugs.

If you were to write a protocol analyzer, this also creates problems: now the analyzer needs to remember sent packets to parse the response, and if the sent packet was missed, it cannot anymore.

I do realize that this argument can also be made against dynamically using packet types in the RESERVED_FOR_EXTENSIONS range; this is also something that I would rather avoid; SSH_FXP_EXTENDED and SSH_FXP_EXTENDED_REPLY should be sufficient for any purpose, in my opinion.

- Erwin Bolwidt

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