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RE: cancel-tcpip-forward matching

> > Or is all this left up to the implementations?
> i would only cancel on exact string matches.  but this is left up
> to the implementation.

I don't think it's so much up to the implementation... I think this is
the Correct Way. The idea being - what you effect with one request, you
can cancel with a symmetric one, without having to understand the
implementation semantics.

I.e., regardless of the values of "listen address" and "listen port",
these form the name and unique identifier of a request, and any side
effects of the request are canceled by supplying the original request's
unique identifier, which is the "listen address" and "listen port" as
supplied previously.

I think an implementation that did not adopt this idea would be
broken... The whole idea of standards is to get consistent output when
supplying consistent input.

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