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WG Chair Copyediting for draft-ietf-secsh-break-02

I found a few nits:

1) I Garbled sentence in the
security considerations section:

   Alternatively, support for the BREAK facility MAY be imlemented
   configurable or a per port or per server basis.

The meaning is clear but could definitely use some sanding and

2) misplaced comma and missing article:


   If  BREAK duration request of less than 500ms, is
   requested a BREAK of 500ms SHOULD be sent since most devices will
   recognize a BREAK of that length.


   If a BREAK duration request of less than 500ms is requested, a BREAK
   of 500ms SHOULD be sent since most devices will recognize a BREAK
   of that length.

3) spelling error, ambiguity:

   a BREAK of any kind was preformed, SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS MUST be
   sent.  If no BREAK was preformed, SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE MUST be

s/preformed/performed or passed on/

(fix typo; clarify that the server doing break-passthrough NEED NOT
wait for the break to be ack'ed, as this may not be possible to do
reliably in some cases).


And, I couldn't help myself:

Break-length section rewording:

   A BREAK-length parameter of 0 is a request for a default-length break;
   by default, this SHOULD be a 500ms break.

   Some implementations will not be in a position to control the
   length of a BREAK; such implementations SHOULD instead generate an
   fixed-length break of an implementation-defined length in response
   to this request.

   Others SHOULD limit the minimum and maximum length of BREAK
   durations.  The encoding specified above allows a sender to request
   a maximum BREAK duration of approximately 49.7 days.  

   By default, durations less than 500ms SHOULD be silently extended
   to 500ms (as some devices may not recognize BREAKS much shorter
   than this); durations longer than 3000ms SHOULD be silently truncated to

   Implementations MAY allow an administrator to adjust the default, minimum,
   and maximum break lengths.


Let's have a quick 1-week WG review on this followed by a respin.

WG members: please review this document and send comments on or before

						- Bill

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