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[ #441] IESG - Architecture - atsign - additional IESG Response

>I don't understand the comment.
>Names of the form "user@host" are used in a number of places (email, login
>names in ftp://user@host/ URLs, NAIs for roaming, IM identifiers and more).
>I *think* the purpose of the paragraph
>      Names with the at-sign ('@') in them are allocated by the owner of
>      DNS name after the at-sign (hierarchical allocation in [RFC-
>      2343]), otherwise the same restrictions as above.
>is to give local extensibility to protocol parameter identifiers; there
>are a number of variants that are commonly suggested for this, and DNS
>based naming is one of them. (It's not a particularly good one, though -
>DNS names change hands too often to be considered "completely stable", and
>we do tend to want stability in parameter naming..... it also gives all
>the problems of "X-" headers in enabling wide deployment of
>non-interoperable extensions; if this isn't currently in use, and we need
>to push back on the document for other reasons, it might be worth asking
>the authors whether losing this would cause them heartburn.

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