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Re: [ #460] IESG - Transport - Oakley

again, why change a deployed protcol?

>    However, at the time of this writing, those methods have not been
>    defined.

i think it vague comments like this should not be
in the document. just state that further groups
might be defined in additional documents.

On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 at 10:14:38PM -0400, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
> 8.1  diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
>    The "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" method specifies Diffie-Hellman key
>    exchange with SHA-1 as HASH, and Oakley Group 2 [RFC2409] (1024bit
>    MODP Group).  At the time of this writing, this method MUST be
>    supported for interoperability as all of the known implementations
>    support it.  The Working Group RECOMMENDS that implementations also
>    support the Oakley Group 14 [RFC3526] (2048bit MODP Group) method.
>    However, at the time of this writing, those methods have not been
>    defined.  It is expected that this Working Group will produce a
>    document that defines this method for use in this protocol, so
>    readers should look carefully at documents produced by this Working
>    Group to see if other methods are required.
> You can see the difference (htmlwdiff) from the prior version here:
> Can I get some feedback on this?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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