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Re: [ #460] IESG - Transport - Oakley

On Tuesday, June 15, 2004 19:54:23 +0200 Niels Möller <> wrote:

Chris Lonvick <> writes:

[ARCHITECTURE]  (2 changes needed)

Section 9.2.7 discusses Forward Secrecy and PFS, and it specifically
names diffie-hellman-group1-sha1.  This can be changed to "the key
exchange methods described in Section 8.1 in [TRANS]".

Or just make it clear that diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 is an *example* of
a specified key exchange method that have PFS-properties.

A new section 9.2.8 will be needed to discuss the ordering of key
exchange method proposals.  Currently, [TRANS] Section 7.1 states:

I don't think this is needed at all. To me, the rules are the same as
for all the other algorithm lists: Each client lists the algorithms it
is willing to use, in the client's preferred order.

I'm not sure if you're commenting here on the proposed ARCH/9.2.8 text, or on the TRANS/7.1 text which Chris actually quoted at this point. The quoted text was existing text from the transport draft, and is the normative description of the algorithm selection rules for key exchange (which are a bit more complicated than for others). It needn't be duplicated in the architecture document, but I don't think that was being proposed.

   As stated in Section 7.1 of [TRANS], each device will send a list of
   methods for key exchange.  The preferred method will be the first in
   the list.  The preferred method SHOULD be the cryptographically
   strongest method, and the method most likely to satisfy the conditions
   stated in that section.  Of the two methods defined in Section 8.1 of
   [TRANS], diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 MUST be listed before
   diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 in the kex list.  Implementors are
   encouraged to review current literature to decide upon the order of
   any other locally defined kex methods listed in the kex proposal.

"You can get this nice car in any color of your choice, as long as
your choice is black", or "You must put the algorithm you prefer
first, and you MUST prefer the one I say". It makes the word "prefer"

I'm inclined to agree; MUST is too strong.

If we, now or in the future, really want to deprecate
diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, the right way to do that is to *formally*
deprecate it, by changing

Careful. REQUIRED means must-implement. DEPRECATED doesn't mean anything, requirements-wise. We want people to implement group1 but not prefer it. We do not want people not to implement it, at least now.

the text, and in particular, the architecture document is *not* the
right place.

The security considerations section is a perfectly reasonable place for advice on algorithm selection, to the extent that we want to give such advice. I'm still inclined to think we should provide some advice like "prefer diffie-hellman-group14-sha1".

On further reflection, I think it gets even more fun...
For some symmetric ciphers, group1 will be good enough.
For others, it will not.

What this means is that we should avoid selecting a cipher for which the kex does not provide enough keying material. Or, more likely, we should avoid selecting a kex that does not provide enough keying material for the cipher we're going to use. Unfortunately, that would mean changing the algorithm selection rules, and I think it's too late to do that without a really good reason.

As it stands now, we could end up negotiating diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 and, say, aes256-cbc, which woule not be very good. So, IMHO there's a
good security reason for giving advice about selecting a larger group.

-- Jeff

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